The governance of the Union alternates every two years between the divisions as described in the Memorandum of Cooperation between the two divisions and the Union's Statutes . Currently, the members of the IUHPST Board are:
History. Among the past presidents of the Union were Wilfrid HODGES (DLMPS, United Kingdom, 2010-2011), Liu DUN (DHST, China, 2012-2013), Elliott SOBER (DLMPS/DLMPST, United States of America, 2014-2015), Efthymios NICOLAIDIS (DHST, Greece, 2016-2017), Menachem MAGIDOR (DLMPST, Israel, 2018-2019), Michael OSBORNE (DHST, United States of America, 2020-2021), and Nancy CARTWRIGHT (DLMPST, United Kingdom & United States of America, 2022-2023).
Catherine Jami, former Secretary General of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, is Gender and Diversity Champion and presently Chair of the Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science (SCGES):