The following is a list of projects that IUHPST was involved with in recent years:
- Cultures of Mathematical Research Training
Funded by ICSU (2014–2015); coordinated by IUHPST; project partners: IMU & ICMI.
Brendan Larvor
(Hatfield, England) and
Benedikt Löwe
(Amsterdam, The Netherlands & Hamburg, Germany).
Project Assistant.
Hugo Nobrega
(Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
The focus of the project was the study of different cultures of mathematical research and their effect on the training of the next generation of mathematical researchers. The aim of the project was to bring together major societal stakeholders and researchers who study mathematical practice, in order to identify topics for the research community that are of interest to the stakeholders.
This was done during a series of two workshops: the first workshop was held in Brussels, Belgium, 23 & 24 November 2014 with participants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany), the National Science Foundation (United States of America); the Executive Research Agency (European Commission), Science Europe, as well as representatives of the research field. During the first workshop, the methodology and the list of participants of the second workshop were developed and decided.
The second workshop was held in Hamburg, Germany, 14 & 15 June 2015 and was organised according to the method developed in W. J. Sutherland, E. Fleishman, M. B. Mascia, J. Pretty, M. A. Rudd, Methods for collaboratively identifying research priorities and emerging issues in science and policy, Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2:238-247 (2011). The main outcome of the second workshop was a structured question list that will become a white paper for future research in the field.
- TROP ICSU: Educational Resources for Teachers to integrate Climate Topics across the Curriculum.
Funded by ICSU; coordinated by IUBS & INQUA; IUHPST is one of the project partners.

- Gender Gap in Science.
Funded by ICSU; coordinated by IMU & IUPAC; IUHPST is one of the project partners.
