

The next General Assembly of the members of the IASCUD will be held online on Friday, 23 July, 2021 at 8 am EDT/2 pm CEST/8 pm CST through Zoom. The link to the meeting will be circulated no later than the day prior to the GA. At this meeting, IASCUD will hold elections for Officers to serve on the Council of the Association. The current list of nominees is as follows:

  1. President: Madeine Muntersbjorn
  2. First Vice-president: Michael Barany
  3. Second Vice-president: Han Qi
  4. Treasurer: Roy Wagner
  5. Secretary General: Nina Atanasova
  6. Assistant Secretary General: Vitaly Pronskikh
  7. Assessors: Peeter Muurstepp, Benedikt Loewe, Takashi Nishiyama, Karine Chemla

We would like to provide the opportunity to vote by proxy in these elections to those of you who will not be able to attend the GA live. For this purpose, we have set up a survey through which you may cast your vote. You will also have the opportunity to self-nominate. The survey will close at 8 am EST/2 pm CET/8 pm CST on Thursday, 22 July, 2021, 24 hours before the GA.

Please follow the link below to cast your vote:


II. The GA Agenda is as follows:

  1. Approvals
    1. Minutes from GA 2017, Rio de Janeiro
    2. Minutes from Council Meeting 2019, Prague
  2. President's report
  3. Secretary General's report
  4. Treasurer's report
  5. New budget for the next four years
  6. Elections
  7. Plans for future activities
  8. Other business

III. 26th International Congress for the History of Science and Technology begins on Sunday, 25 July, 2021. IASCUD is sponsoring three symposia:

  1. The shaping of differences in the historiography of ancient mathematics , organized by Karine Chemla
  2. Placing mathematical knowledge in a world of and beyond nations , organized by Michael Barany
  3. New perspectives: differentiating cultures in ancient mathematics , organized by Agathe Keller and Fanglei Zheng

For a detailed program, please search: https://ichst2021.confea.net/en/event-programme-list .